Many thanks to all who have contributed to the Tabernacle Repair Fund. The parish needs $16,360 for the tabernacle repair. As you can see below in the brief report on our fund drive, we have easily reached that mark. As mentioned in the January 22nd bulletin, if more money was received than necessary for the tabernacle repair, the extra funds would be used for something else in the sanctuary. We have enough to purchase a new processional cross.
Here are the groups who contributed, along with the individual contributions listed as one item:
SCRIP $3,000
Altar Society 1,000
Sandy Payne Memorial 100
Juanita & Val Kapustka Memorial 2,400.00
Combined Individual Contributions 14,478.81
Total Contributed $ 20,978.81
May God bless and reward all of you who have contributed to this important drive!