A Faithful Steward’s Prayer
Lord, it is you who call us to stewardship.
Help us to be faithful stewards, to share abundantly from the many gifts you have given us.
Help us to place our trust firmly in you, secure in your promise to multiply your goodness to those who seek you and your kingdom.
All that we have is yours. Bless us with a spirit of generosity.

10 Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these varied graces of God, put it at the service of others.
11 If anyone is a speaker, let it be as the words of God, if anyone serves, let it be as in strength granted by God; so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ, since to him alone belong all glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Stewardship Pledge Form
Volunteer Information
Blessed Sacrament Organizations
- Prayer & Spiritual Life
- Liturgy
- Parish Activities
- Social Action
- Finance & Development
- Education
- Building & Grounds
- Perpetual Adoration
- Light of the World
- Prayer Line
- Prayer Pals
- Legion of Mary
- Welcoming Committee
- Evangelization Committee
- Pro-Life Activities
- Living Rosary
- Seven Sisters’ Apostolate
Perpetual Adoration
Since our Church has the special name of Blessed Sacrament, it is truly appropriate that we have Perpetual Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. We have been blest for having had this special devotion for over 30 years at Blessed Sacrament, wherein someone is in prayer before Jesus in the Tabernacle 24 hours a day, seven days a week, adoring and praising Him and keeping Him company. Parishioners may sign up for weekly, semiweekly, or even a monthly hour – – whatever works with your schedule. Substitutes are also needed to cover an hour when an adorer is unable to be there. Many graces and blessings are received by those who partake in this holy devotion.
Light of the World
Light of the World is a method of evangelization implemented in the Lincoln Diocese. Evangelization is sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, the basic message of Christianity. The first step is a weekend parish retreat, which covers topics from God’s love for you to the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. Following the retreat, participants may form a small community where they can study the faith, and share the joys and struggles of living a Christian life in today’s world. Members discover and deepen their relationship with Jesus. Community members are invited to gather weekly for 2 hours. Light of the World CORE members meet 1 to 2 hours per month.
Prayer Line
Parishioners call to request prayers for special intentions. There are six prayer teams. The team captains pass the prayer requests to the team members. Time commitment varies by the number of requests and the type of prayer each member selects.
Prayer Pals
Our program is designed to establish a special rela-tionship between active parishioners and our home-bound parishioners through home visits and pray-ers. This a great opportunity to make an improve-ment in someone’s life. Participants will be as-signed one prayer pal. To help build the relation-ship, we suggest you make two visits each month. This is an ideal family activity.
Legion of Mary
The object of the Legion of Mary is the glory of God through the holiness of its members developed by prayer and active cooperation, under ecclesiastical guidance, in Mary’s and the Church’s work of advancing the reign of Christ. Active Members of the Legion of Mary attend weekly hour long meetings, provide 2 hours of Works of Mercy weekly, and daily Legion of prayers which consists of the Magnificat and shorter prayers.
Active Members of the Legion of Mary are involved in several works, most notably visiting new parishioners. Other activities include visits to nursing homes, taking Catholics to Mass, visiting homebound parishioners, hosting RCIA classes, leading the Rosary before each Mass and praying at Planned Parenthood. Members also help with the rotation of our Lady of Fatima statue. Active Member Monday morning group meets after 8:20 am Mass; Monday evening group meets at 5:30 pm. Members take pride in bringing Jesus and Mary into the hearts and homes of everyone they encounter on their calls.
Auxiliary Members of the Legion of Mary support the Legion through prayer. They pray the entire leaflet of Legion prayers and the Tessra daily. The Tessra consists of the Invocation, prayers to the Holy Spirit, the Rosary, the Catena, and concluding prayers of the Tessra.
The essential aim of the Legion of Mary is the sanctification of its members through prayer, the sacraments, devotion to Mary, the Trinity, and the whole world through the apostolate of the Legion
Welcoming Committee
If you are interested in becoming the lead of the Welcoming Committee, please contact the Rectory at 474-4249
Evangelization Committee
If you are interested in becoming the lead of the Evangelization Committee, please contact the Rectory at 474-4249
Pro-Life Activities
The Pro-Life committee encourages participation at the pro-life events throughout the year and a prayerful presence at Planned Parenthood during the 40 Days for Life Campaigns and on Tuesdays when abortions are being performed.. The Walk for Life is in January, The Life Chain is in October and the 40 Days for Life Campaigns are held during Lent and in the fall. New members with fresh ideas on how to grow participation and build up the culture of life are needed and welcome.
Living Rosary
This group includes more than 200 parishioners who pray one assigned decade of the rosary each day. No meetings. No dues. Approximately 35 minutes of prayer each week. This group provides a good opportunity for fallen away Catholics to once again become active in practicing their faith. Yearly Masses are offered for members.
Seven Sisters’ Apostolate
A Seven Sisters group begins when at least seven women respond to a call to pray for their parish priest. If more than seven women desires to pray in this manner, a core group of seven should be designated while others may substitute or provide additional hours of prayer. After the pastor has a committed group, subsequent groups may be formed for others, such as the parochial vicar, a retired priest, a priest serving in a non-parish assignment, or a bishop. The group’s intention is directed towards the office of the shepherd more than the individual. In other words, the group prays for the priest until he is reassigned, at which time his successor becomes the recipient of those prayers. This helps us to guard against an undue attachment to a certain priest. Each member commits to a Holy Hour on a distinct day of the week, thus covering a complete week. The commitment is to that day; the Seven Sister may pray at any time on that day. If she is unable to offer her Holy Hour, she is to secure a substitute, explaining the Apostolate’s mission. The substitute need not be a woman. If unable to arrange a substitute, the member should contact the leader for assistance.
Ministers of Music serve our parish by assisting and encouraging the singing of all assembled believers. Music helps us express, share and nourish our gifts of faith. It also unveils a dimension of feeling that words alone cannot communicate. Cantors lead our community in sung prayer, while choirs and instrumentalists enhance our liturgies with musical elaboration. Accompanists provide the musical foundation that permits our parish to sing with confidence, and help to create an acoustic atmosphere of elegant reverence. No experience is necessary to join one of Blessed Sacrament’s choirs – we gladly provide “on-the-job-training”. Singers high-school age or older are welcome to join our Missa Cantores. This “adult” choir rehearses once a week and sings at the 10 am Sunday Mass, September to June. Our Funeral Choir comes together year-round for parish funeral Masses. We are always looking for gifted accompanists, instrumentalists and cantors. The time commitment for music ministry is approximately three hours per week.
We decorate the church for special events and celebrations, including Easter and Christmas. It takes between 3-4 hours before major holidays and / or feast days. Several hands make for light lifting.
This group was established to offer Catholic women an opportunity to take an active role in mission work. We provide the sewing and preparing of altar linens, Baptismal bibs, and other supplies. We have a short meeting that takes about one hour and attendance is not mandatory. We do the sewing in our own homes at our convenience, with supplies that are provided.
The Greeter extends the greeting of Christ to one another and expresses a welcome greeting of basic Christian hospitality. The Gift Bearer stands for all present at the Eucharistic assembly in offering spiritual sacrifices represented by the bread and wine in the Offertory. Families and individuals are asked to serve as greeters or gift bearers (or both) at Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. Time commitment: approximately one Mass every 2-3 months.
Ushers assist in the Liturgy by greeting people, assist in finding an open seat, conduct the collection at Mass, and distribute bulletins after each Mass. Ushers are assigned a Mass time for one continuous month. Based on the number of Ushers, the rotation is usually once every 3 months. Ushers host a Lenten Soup Supper each year and help with the spring and fall cleanup of the parish grounds. We are also looking for parishioners that would like to be substitutes or be willing to usher at a Mass if they notice there are not enough ushers at that particular Mass. Ushers can be identified during Mass by their red blazers. There are blazers available for use, so there is no need to purchase one. No experience required.
- Altar Society
- Preparing Meals for Priests
- Knights of Columbus
- Table for Ten
- Husker Home Football Games Parish Fundraiser
- Donating food for Funeral Dinners
- Working the day of the Funeral Dinner
- Fest Quest
Matt Talbot Kitchen (MTKO)
Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach is a community kitchen and outreach kitchen located at 2121 N. 27th St. Lunch and dinner are served every day of the year by “teams” of volunteers who provide, prepare and serve food generally once a month for approximately 100-125 working poor and homeless individuals and families. Each month’s day of serving takes approximately three hours at the kitchen – less if food is prepared at home. The ultimate goal of MTKO is to prevent homelessness in Lincoln, through its outreach services, such as life skills classes, vision program, foot clinic, transition house for homeless men and women, referrals to other appropriate agencies and by providing nutritious meals for those in need when their food stamps or income is gone. If you are interested in helping Jesus “feed the hungry” please call the MTKO Volunteer Coordinator at 447-4116 or Mary Jo Bousek at 475-1449 may be able to answer your questions.
St. Vincent de Paul
An international Catholic organization of lay persons who wish to live their faith by loving and serving as Jesus did. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. Its ministry, through person-to-person contact, encompasses every form of aid that alleviates suffering and promotes the dignity and integrity of mankind. It serves everyone regardless of creed, religion, color or origin. We meet every Saturday morning at 9:15 am at Blessed Sacrament School. Our meetings typically last 60-90 minutes. The members of our group spend one to three hours each week helping those who benefit from this society.
Angel Tree
Angel Tree is a non-profit organization that facilitates gifts to be distributed to children whose parents are in prison during Christmas. The program typically provides 160 Christmas gifts. We need volunteers to call families and get gift ideas and to deliver the gifts.
Rides for the Elderly
Transportation is provided to and from Mass for those in need.
- Finance Committee
- SCRIP Program
- CSA Workers / Coordinators
- Office Work & Phone Calling
- Stewardship Committee
Finance Committee
The finance committee assesses the overall financial condition of the parish and school. Assistance is provided in accounting procedure with making the most economical use of the funds provided for each. A monthly meeting is typically scheduled with some additional meetings required around the end of the fiscal year (June 30).
SCRIP Program
SCRIP is a program that was created to help churches and schools in their fundraising efforts. At Blessed Sacrament, we sell SCRIP gift certificates to over 80 stores in the Lincoln area including local and national stores. When you shop with SCRIP, businesses donate a portion of your gift certificate (up to 30%) directly to Blessed Sacrament, all at no additional charge to you, the customer. So, just make your regular household purchases that you would make anyway with SCRIP and help Blessed Sacrament in the process. The SCRIP committee is tasked with overseeing the SCRIP program at Blessed Sacrament. The program is one of the largest fundraisers for the parish, raising funds for the parish and school projects. You can participate in the SCRIP program by being part of the committee and helping promote the program, sell gift cards, or by purchasing them.
CSA Workers / Coordinators
This group helps prepare our Parish for the annual diocesan charity and stewardship appeal. We only work during the appeal period, which is in the spring. Our work includes follow-up phone calls.
Office Work & Phone Calling
Day or evening hours available to help with rectory administrative tasks i.e. bulletin stuffing, preparing mailings, data entry and answering phones. Training provided. Time commitment varies according to the task. Occasionally people are needed who are willing to call parishioners on behalf of the pastor or parish minis-tries. Calls can be made from home or parish office.
Stewardship Committee
Our Stewardship Committee strives to create a sense of belonging for all members of our parish family. By sharing the gifts the Lord blessed you with, you too can help develop an atmosphere of a Christian community at Blessed Sacrament. Members of this committee coordinate the annual Stewardship of Treasure and the Time and Talent campaign. We also publish the quarterly newsletter, Our Blessed Voices. The newsletter celebrates the activities of the Parish, educational articles, and information about upcoming events. We are always looking for newsletter ideas and welcome any suggestions. We hold one hour monthly meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Our meetings are open to anyone wishing to share an idea and there are no requirements of our members.
- CCD Coordinators & Teachers
- RCIA – Participants & Sponsors
- Totus Tuus Bible School Helpers
- Godparents/Godteens
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a religious formation program based on the Bible and the Liturgy. Children work in an ‘atrium’, an environment prepared especially for them with simple, yet beautiful materials. These materials enable the child to encounter the living God. For more information and class times please contact Theresa Johnson.
RCIA – Participants & Sponsors
Doctrine class for people wishing to become Catholic or Catholics interested in learning more about their faith. Classes follow the school year and are about 2 hours long.
Totus Tuus Bible School Helpers
Our team helps plan, coordinate and/or volunteer during a one-week summer Vacation Bible School session.
Shape the future by mentoring teens of the parish via the Godparent/Godteen program. As a couple, give just one hour of your time (plus some prep time) each week making a difference in the lives of our parish teens in a unique opportunity to share your life experiences, wisdom, humor, and Catholic faith in a small group setting. Godparents open their homes to the teens of their group on Wednesday evenings for an hour. Godparents meet and bond with their group as freshman and continue with them until high school graduation. Watching them grow, mature, and learn makes for a very special ministry experience. How you spend the weekly hour is up to you.
Facilities Maintenance, Usage & Planning, Landscaping, Church Cleaning, Rental Property Management
We coordinate efforts to maintain our parish properties. Some projects are simple while other projects require specific talents. If you are handy around your home you might consider sharing your talents with Blessed Sacrament. During the summer months, we typically handle bigger projects in the school. There are many simple tasks that can be completed by almost anyone – changing light bulbs, washing windows, painting, and the list goes on. There is typically someone there to provide direction. Regardless of your handyman skills, your help would be greatly appreciated.
Crews are assigned a week to tend to the parish lawn. Based on the number of crews you will typically mow every 5-6 weeks. You can mow on either Friday evening or Saturday morning of your assigned week. Depending on the number of people that help an hour is about all it takes. Even if you are alone, an hour of mowing is appreciated. Equipment is provided. Current sign up is for 2018