Solemnity of the Assumption – Aug 15
Tuesday, August 15, 2023 - Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a holy day of obligation. Join your fellow parishioners in honoring the Mother of God at one of the following Masses:Vigil Mass - Monday,...

Decline to Sign
Opportunity Scholarships are a beacon of hope for children from low-income backgrounds, offering them a chance to break free from poverty's grip. Let's support these scholarships and uplift the dreams of our young ones. #OpportunityScholarships #DeclinetoSign...

Praise & Worship Night – Aug 2
Praise & Worship Night Blessed Sacrament Church August 2, 2023 7:00-8:30pm Join us for an evening of adoration and music! Whether you can stop by for a few minutes, or stay the whole time, let's come together as a parish to worship our LORD! Confessions and Prayer...

CCD Teacher Vacancy
The CCD program needs Catechists to fill the following vacancies for the upcoming 2023-24 religious education term: 4th grade – secondary instructor Co-Coordinator – the individual, or couple, filling this vacancy will take over, in the 2024-25 religious education...

Children’s Summer Adoration Program
It's not too late to start! Activities can be backdated to June 1st, if needed. Pick up sheets in back of church or print one at home using the button below. Turn in completed sheets by July 31st. Families of kids who finish will be invited to join the Knights for a...

Parish Garage Sale June 29 – July 1
We will be doing a garage sale in the Blessed Sacrament School Gym on Thursday, Friday and Saturday coming up at the end of June. Hosted by Altar Society & PTO. The garage sale will run Thurs.: 4-8 p.m., Fri.: 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m.-12 p.m. They will be...

Welcome Reception June 24-25
The Altar Society is hosting a welcome reception for Fr. Froeschl after all Masses. Sloppy Joe's will be served after Mass on June 24th, & coffee and rolls will be provided after Masses on June 25th. All meals are free of charge. Come join us in welcoming Fr....

Fr Kovar Farewell Reception June 17-18
June 17-18, 2023, Fr. Kovar Farewell Reception The Altar Society is hosting a farewell reception for Fr. Kovar after all Masses. Pulled pork sandwiches will be served after Mass on June 17th, & coffee and rolls will be provided after Masses on June 18th. All meals...

Corpus Christi Procession
Feast of Corpus Christi Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. Start & End: Blessed Sacrament Church Join us for the Eucharistic Procession from Blessed Sacrament Church thru our neighborhood. If you attend an earlier Mass, you will be sure to be on time for the...

Cor Jesu Rex Summer Program
June 5-9, 2023Theme: Salvation History “In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son.” –Hebrews 1:1-2 The School Sisters of Christ the King of Lincoln, Nebraska, are offering a week-long...

Knights State Awards
On Sunday, May 21 at the 10:00 a.m. Mass the Immediate Past State Deputy Mark Borytsky re-presented awards for the Knights of Columbus State Convention to Jason Danner, runner up Rookie Knight of the Year; Clem, Maggie and Bernadette Pella, State Knights of Columbus...

Lincoln Catholic Schools Giving Day – May 16
Catholic schools in Lincoln are teaming up for the first Lincoln Catholic Schools Giving Day on May 16th! Learn how you can help students and teachers at our grade schools and Lincoln’s only Catholic high school at https://fundraise.givesmart.com/vf/CatholicSchools....
Christmas Schedule
Open this link to see the entire Blessed Sacrament Parish 2024 Christmas Mass & Confession Schedule. Link to schedule