Join us on Wednesday, February 22nd, as we begin our Lenten journey together. Services on Ash Wednesday are at 6:30 a.m., 8:15 a.m., & 7:00 p.m. Although it is not a Holy Day of Obligation, Ash Wed. is a reminder of our mortality & sinfulness, & it prepares us for a season of penance & prayer.
Lenten Regulations for the Diocese of Lincoln – Ash Wednesday & Good Friday are days of fast & abstinence. All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence.
Fasting – means eating only one full meal with two smaller meals, which together do not equal the full meal. No snacks or eating between meals allowed. Fasting obliges all Catholics between the ages of 18-59.
Abstinence – means eating no meat, nor soup, nor gravy made from meat. Abstinence obliges all Catholics over the age of 14.
Sickness, Hard Manual Labor, Pregnancy, etc., automatically excuses a person from these obligations. Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that these are serious obligations. In cases of doubt or question, the priest who hears a person’s confession should be consulted.