March 2 – April 10, 2022, 40 Days for Life Campaign – We are excited about the upcoming 40 DFL Spring 2022 Prayer Vigil Campaign as we once again gather to stand in the gap to pray for the preborn, their parents, the workers of the abortion facility&for the Supreme Court as they are positioned to vote to overturn Roe v Wade in June. The Spring campaign will run Mar. 2nd, Ash Wed. to April 10th, Palm Sun., 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily outside Planned Parenthood. Thank you to everyone who has participated in the past 40 days for Life campaigns. It is strongly encouraged that 2 or more be there at each hour for safety concerns. You can access the calendar by going to either or If you have never accessed the vigil sign up before you will need to establish a sign in with email & password. Each day shows what percentage of participation there is & if you click the individual date, you can see how many are signed up to pray for each hour so if you choose that hour you know that others will be there. The calendar will be updated regularly.